Patented technology


Problems & Solutions


 Medical debt is a problem that affects millions of Americans each and every 
 year. And if you think this is a problem that only affects patients, you're
 wrong. Believe it or not, doctors feel the hit when a patient can't afford to 
 pay their medical bill. Just take a look at the cycle to the right =>

 Makes sense, right? This cycle has been going on for far too long. And
 Vexical is here to break the cycle.

 What does Vexical do?
 In order to assist patients, families, and doctors, Vexical® offers a service that will assume the
 responsibility of your medical debt at a lower rate. You read that correctly. Vexical® will
 buy your medical bills from you at a reduced rate and accept the liability for the entire bill.
 For you it means no more fighting with providers because you cannot afford to pay the bill.
 No more time spent chasing claims and paying bills.  Save time and money with one easy
 payment to Vexical®

 But it gets better!  Through our financing partner you may be eligible for a loan allowing you
 to payoff the bills via monthly payments.  Yes, keep your savings where they are and payoff
 the bills via monthly installments.

You have a $2,000 medical bill left after your insurance claim, but you simply can not
 afford the payment. You come to Vexical and Vexical will assume the liability for $1,200.
 You Save $800 by paying Vexical® directly; and think of the time saved!

 5 Reasons to Sell Your Medical Bill® [click here]

 No bill is too high or too low!

 We are here to help ALL medical patients. Whether your bill is $1,000
 or $20,000+, we're here to help.  Team members have helped countless
 patients already and they're amazed a business like Vexical® is just now

 Ready to get started? Find out
how it works right now!  For a more complete explanation of the
 problem and the solution, complete with statistics, read our white paper.